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Ditia Afta

AFTA (Always Find The Answer) Empty AFTA (Always Find The Answer)

Ditia Afta
nickname : Ditia

nama panggilan : Afta
Gender : Male

TTL : 13 september 1991

No.Hp : 08981588813

motto hidup: Segala Sesuatu pasti mempunyai jawaban, tinggal kita mencarinya. . . AFTA
Seth D. Kei
Alumni Moderator

AFTA (Always Find The Answer) Empty Re: AFTA (Always Find The Answer)

Seth D. Kei
irashai Ditia-san haiii...

Trust this! Smile
Never expect
Never assume
Never ask
And never demand
Just let it be
If it's meant to be, it will be Smile

Keep Calm and Be Patient! Smile

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AFTA (Always Find The Answer) Followtherulesjp8-1
Ditia Afta

AFTA (Always Find The Answer) Empty Re: AFTA (Always Find The Answer)

Ditia Afta
Arigatou Wink
Case Maker

AFTA (Always Find The Answer) Empty Re: AFTA (Always Find The Answer)

haiii... salam kenal Jabat tangan Maaf welcome to NDI yahooo....

AFTA (Always Find The Answer) Empty Re: AFTA (Always Find The Answer)

Selamat datang di NDI gan good haiii...
Black D' Reaper
Alumni Moderator

AFTA (Always Find The Answer) Empty Re: AFTA (Always Find The Answer)

Black D' Reaper
salam kenal haiii...

Clue Sweeper:

AFTA (Always Find The Answer) Empty Re: AFTA (Always Find The Answer)

ciao Wink .... selamat bergabung good

AFTA (Always Find The Answer) Empty Re: AFTA (Always Find The Answer)

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